Hobbs's Run

By hobbs

Street Art Walk 3

Today I went looking for artists' names on the works but things were very hard to interpret. Sometimes I could find no artist identity at all. On others there were indecipherable tags and on still others there were multiple names with no indication as to which member of the team actually conceived the design and layout. In the case of "jumboist" (top image), Majoayee and DonnaWanna (thanks guys) found some links. Here's one:

Anyway I'd also refer you to the website I listed on yesterday's blip and I shall continue to dig. There are at least 4 more "Street Art Walk" blips to come at some point but I promise to find something different for a while before returning to this subject. 

Incidentally, these two works were produced on large scale walls and are both rather more imposing than at first they might seem. In both cases it was necessary to stitch some 3-4 component images together

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