The Daily Mynci

By Funkymynci

Butterfly Bush

I had a fine time this morning carrying out some brutal tree surgery on our Ash and Holly trees, dangling 25ft in the air with a bow saw. It was a good excuse to get my mostly redundant climbing gear out. It all started with a fall out with my grumpy neighbour over some overhanging branches. He caught me at a bad moment and after an uncharacteristic growl I agreed to chop the offending branches. That was a month ago, and a tree surgeon who was busy in the house behind spurred me into action. Realising I might make a bit of a twat of myself, I waited til the professional went on his break and embarked on my treetop adventure. I enjoyed it so much that I'm consdering a change of career.

This photo was taken in my break in between the ash and the holly tree. It's a Red Admiral (I think) on our Buddleja bush, AKA the "butterfly bush". I had a pair of canoodling lepidoptera in my sights (this is one for the "love" themed Calumet competion I thought), but the battery ran out on my camera, so a plain old butterfly was all I got. Bit boring, so I spiced it up with a sprinkling of fractalius and a totally inappropriate brick texture overlay that makes it look like beautiful graffiti :-)

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