5min sketch a day

By Sambo

Sketch no 71 - The Albino Squirrel

There is a reason why I would be painting an albino squirrel!

I recently visited my mum in Sussex, who has been excited about a new visitor to her garden. For the past few months this little albino squirrel takes an early morning canter across the top of my mum's shed. She/He is rather elusive and very shy and has never been seen roaming later than 8am. It seems that my mum religiously gets up early to sit and watch out of her bedroom window, hoping to spot him. Needless to say that during my visit he did not make an appearance (my snoring probably kept him away).

Anyway - this simple picture is for my my mum and her garden friend :) It is her birthday soon, so maybe I'll re-work it for a bday card!

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