Lost by the sea

I had a day off, so I had a long lie in. Spent the morning catching up with some stuff and then I met Scott in the afternoon.

We went to take Cassie (Scott's Dog) for a walk. The light was not as beautiful as on Saturday. This glove was lying on the stone pavement near the sea shore. It looked as if it had been lost and then washed out by the sea, as it was full of mossy stuff. I wondered how long ago it had been lost. Cassie was having a bit of a hard time, as she is quite a small dog and a bigger dog kept stealing her stick. I could sympathise because I'm rather small too. The big dog was a bit of a bully.

By the way, on Saturday a small woman made my day. I was in a shop and this woman came up to me asking if I could reach something for her from a high shelf. This had never happened to me, as it's always me who asks other folk to do that for me, as I'm rather short myself. I felt tall for once!

Anyway. In the evening we were planning to go to both open mics. in Anstruther, but we sort of kept in only one in the end as the musicians were quite good and I also needed an early bed.

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments and stars. I hope you all had a nice weekend! :)

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