Lyttelton Harbour
Well, I took the right camera and lens up the hill this morning, but the light just wasn't as it was yesterday. Nevertheless, it has been a lovely day, and I shouldn't complain about the sunshine.
I've been out in the garden today, turning the compost and putting trimmings through our chipper/shredder. Frustratingly we ran out of fuel with just a small amount of hedge clippings still to go, so had to make a trip to the gas station to fill up a five litre can. Usually we try to combine this will filling the car.
Anyway, I think Blip is telling me that this is my 1000th image. I don't think it really counts, as I gave up posting every day a long time ago. It was the back blipping for extended trips away that was the main killer for me, and once you have created a gap, it is easy to miss more days. Also, part of me didn't want to be constrained to such a regular routine, so breaking the sequence was somehow satisfying, and something I felt I had to do to continue to grow my photography.
I came back, though, partly for the community, and partly to return to the discipline that makes me do something every day (well, more or less every day), even when I fail on some of the more ambitious challenges I set myself.
So thank you to all the people who have kept me going, with stars and hearts and comments. Without you, I would never have reached that 1000 milestone (even with the gaps).
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