There really is a friendliness and warmth that exudes from the people of Yambio; I haven’t experienced it the same way in many places. I also very much enjoy the African delivery of the English language. For example, we encounter someone the project knows from around town and we ask about their family members or other people they know:
Is Grace in Yambio?
‘she is around’
What about David – is he in town?
‘he is around’
Are Grace’s children still in school?
‘they are around’
And how is Eva?
‘she has gone away’
This picture was at a peaceful lakeside spot about 500 metres from the centre of Yambio, having a sundowner. A year ago this was the frontline for small bands of rebels trying to attack the national army in Yambio, and the place closed up and staff fled. Today there is still skittishness – staff shutting up early and making their way home across town, the streets eerily deserted after a certain time and drunk policemen stopping you to quiz you on your movements.
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