Life with Alice

By elirin

Making Friends With Rudolph

Today was the first day of the traditional Advent Market in the open air museum Gamla Linköping. Mum knew it would be crowded, so we were there half an hour before it even opened, and got almost the last good parking space. It seems we spend quite a lot of time there these days, but I like it. Adventures and/or yummy food is often on the agenda...

So. We walked past all the stalls, checking things out. It smelled of almonds and sausages and cheese and herring burger, and then some. We then went to the forest for a walk, and look who was standing there with a basket of apples in front of him! Rudolph! Santa was obviously busy somewhere, so I kept him company for a while. He was nice but kind of quiet.

Walkies was good. I always think about my friend Dolly when we are here, wishing she was here with us. And her mum. Especially since we met three horses on the forest path! Dolly loves horses. They were on their way to the Christmas market too. I tried not to get too close. Which is difficult on a forest path!

Mum put me in the car while she went to buy a few things she had seen earlier, including traditional saffron buns from the sourdough bakery. We had one for fika, watching the first World Cup cross-country skiing competition of the season. Mum loves cross-country skiing! Crazy, I know, but an excellent excuse for us to stay cosy in front of daytime TV.

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