Just to say ...

that I am feeling much better now.

Grandad  said that you were all concerned about me but look I am back to my usual cute self. Grandad took lots of pictures of me today and he really liked this one.

He has been busy as Grandma Carol is not feeling very well again & Grandad had to take Merlot to the vets all by himself this morning. Merlot was not happy & tried to scratch Grandad.....But Grandad was too quick & managed to get him in his carrier before he could say Meow Meow. He had to go because Grandad said that his annual service was due ...he had booosters & other things & Grandad said that it had wounded his wallet .....poooor Grandad.

It has been cold today hasn't it. My Mummy brought me around today cos I hadn't seen Grandad for a few days ...

My Grandad always makes me smile - he will be back writing tomorrow


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