Eat, smoke, love, meow.

By Meowsers

Day Fourteen.

So, it's day 14, she's home in 4 days, and in a few hours, it'll be 3 days. Awh. Not long now! I cannot wait till she's home. This is the letter she wrote for me to read while she was away so as not to miss her so much, it sortof works? I've read it every day now.

I finished the book I was making for her She's going to love it I just know that. She's writing me a postcard, well, she may have posted it by now, so it may come in the post tomorrow, I will be ecstatic if it does, I'll be able to really hear from her, because when she writes to me its like I can hear her reading it to me. But when she texts it's not like that because it costs too much to write alot.

I can't wait till she's home! I get more and more exciteable every day!! I had a very upsetting morning, sitting in the rain thinking about how I miss her, but I perked up after watching a three hour long movie with my mum from ages ago, the actors were all geordie, and it was about prostitutes in the past and one of the daughters who's mother hung herself after being captured by a pimp. It sounds depressing but it was a really good movie and the ending was so happy, and well, the girl in it was beautiful, so I was happy checking her out. Nothing compared to my girl, but that's nothing new to me, i'll never find a girl as gorgeous as Bethan :)

I love her more by the second and i'm so excited to give her the 80 page book i've made, and the pair of knickers that say I love you in multiple languages. She's going to look adorable. 4 Days guys, 4 days. <3


If only you could see me now. If only.
If only, you could hear me out. If only?
If only, it was only me now.

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