Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

It's a Monday

Early (ish) start.
Disposed of dead mice from loft. It's that time of year when they come in from the cold.
Bins out for us and Margret.
Delivered sample to surgery.
Bowlby to vet - smelly mouth - not much to find, may be failing kidneys, but had antibiotic shot in case it's mouth infection.
Home and transformed self into hairdresser
Made several phone calls, some rather overdue - ticked off a few jobs.
Car to garage to have winter tyres fitted.
Chatty fellow customer.
The mechanics washed the car - hooray!
Did quick food shop.

Whilst away, carpet fitter measured rooms and physio visited Mum.

I visited Margret who is bearing up well.

Cooked meal.

Ready for Quizzy Monday.

Oh yes, and briefly saw the sunset from Margret's garden at 1530.

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