OK . . . my fault. I planned the cycle route today . . . and it was not as it said on the tin !
This shot shows our clear path across Fylingdales Moor and, as you can see it was a big boggy. Now I remember why bikes were called push bikes. Oh and I fell into the heather twice !
The extra is a selfie of the Two Nutters !!!!!!
I am . . . ahem . . . extremely tired. For those who know the N Yorks Moors, T managed all of Egton Bank - I did not, only part = IDNOP.
T managed the bank out of Grosmont - IDNOP - T managed Blue Bank - IDNOP - T eventually gave up part way up Littlebeck Bank - as did my poor self. Push bike indeed. Those Tour de Yorkshire cyclists make it all look so easy.
If I am still alive tomorrow will catch up with you all. Please forgive.

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