
By Fisherking


It's been six weeks since I last set foot outside of this house.......but at long last there seems to be some progress..........the sores/blisters from the cellulitis are weeping less........the nurses are finally trained to what I want in terms of treatment.........the pain is lessening. It could still be a long road to a complete recovery..............but it's on is way.

While I'm housebound these are my four essentials for surviving the day..........the mobile, the house phone, the Sky remote and the volume control. I'm keeping in touch with friends and family...........watching a film a day........and keeping everything going.

There's going to be a big change after extension to the house............a wet case I don't make a full recovery with my mobility.........but hopefully by next year I'll be back on my feet again.

I'll comment later......promise.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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