Oman day 1

After an overnight BA flight we arrived in Muscat, Oman. We got to our hotel in Ruwi, and had a welcome snooze before meeting Sunil Kumar, who was our guide for the duration of our stay.

Of Oman!s population of 4.5 million. almost Half are 'guest' workers. These are Indian, like a Sunil, Pakistani. Bangladeshi, Indonesian or Philippino. Most are engaged in manual labour, whereas Omanis aren't.

Around 3pm we headed out to have a look outside the Sultan's palace. Sunil was proud to show us the place Prince Charles did a sword dance a couple of weeks ago. UK is welcome here as it suppressed rebel forces in 1950s and 1970s. This was when the sultan decided to annex land that hadn't previously been his. It was in U.K. interests to assist him. No doubt access to oil was involved.

After the palace we walked round to see the old Portuguese fort before looking at the museum. Then we had a wander in the souk in old Muscat before getting the bus back to the hotel.

Mr C and I had a wonderful,Thali meal at an Indian restaurant within walking distance to the hotel. There was far too much food but it was very tasty.

Impressions do far - Oman has been investing heavily in infrastructure - really good roads, dual carriageway without the third world potholes we have at home, and new big houses everywhere. It is all much more commercial and developed than I expected.

It is warm! Bliss and already my arthritic foot is not hurting.

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