A busy wee day...

...kicked it off with some yoga. Been neglecting the old yoga of late for the running and I think my body is beginning to rebel at that so did about 30 minutes first thing this morning. It sure does get you stretched out and you feel so much better for that.

Dropped wee lad at school and then went for a swim and a sauna. Last of my days off ...today I had the public holiday for St.Andrew's day which is on Wednesday but Monday's lend themselves to public holiday's better:-). Any way swim and particularly the sauna were excellent. The coffee and half a danish after were good too.

Then popped into the library to renew our books and then back home where I sorted through a good few things and Mr R hung the wallpaper in our bedroom...our bedroom is nearly finished now on the decorating front...good news for the big boys as their room is next on the list.

Grateful for a day off with kids at school to get some organising done.

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