
By Arachne

A butterfly flaps its wings and the world changes

I maligned the slugs. It's the sodding butterflies. I took a picture of three thousand million caterpillars on the leaves too. Not, as on other days, three thousand million useless pictures. One picture, three thousand million caterpillars.

But oh the joy of leaping around after butterflies - I had no idea! I see all the butterflies on blip and think, 'Well, yes, nice butterfly,' but I never realised that the fun was in trying to get the shot. Pointing the camera in the general direction, clicking madly, hoping, watching it disappear over next door's gutter, waiting for it to come back, spotting it in the distance, following it with the lens, zooming in, losing it, zooming out, finding it, chasing it, clicking madly, hoping...

I was inordinately pleased with some in-focus cabbage white close-ups but they're nothing like as good as everyone else's so instead you get my shadow chase.

I never got as far as the hammock today and can't find my book but it was a lovely day and a barbecue evening with flitting bats as it got dark.

Still hate slugs though.

Thank you for so much empathy yesterday.

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