
Slept nearly ten hours again, not sure what's going on!!! Once we were up, me and hub walked down to town. He's ok but not " back to normal" just yet. He wants to give it another day or two before going to the GP.

I took this just before sis rang to say mum had collapsed and that she had rung for an ambulance. I jumped in th car and drove ver to the hospital.

A worrying staff spoke to me and sis to make sure we understood how serious her condition was. She needed a pacemaker fitting urgently, but they couldn't do the procedure until they had increased her heart rate.

She's been on relevant drugs all night and as long as she remains stable, they will operate first thing this morning................which they have done.

It went to plan, no complications, me and sis will be visiting later this afternoon.

Hopefully another sunrise...............

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