Immersed in an Autumn Wood

Things are looking up! I went to church this morning, just for half an hour - one of those times when you can drop in or out whenever.... and help yourself to a good cup of filtered coffee, either during the worship time or after. I poured myself half a cup, realising that it was the first coffee I'd had since I was there last Tuesday! I must have been poorly! It was good to go out but even such a short excursion left me feeling tired. On the way home, I turned off briefly in the hope of spotting a deer for my blip. I did see the head of a white stag that was resting in the long grass but he spotted me, too, and made off the second I drew the car to a stop. No photo but so lovely to see! 

Never mind - I've always liked images of deliberately blurred trees, so I thought I'd have a go. I didn't even have to get out of the car :))

Huge thanks for all your lovely comments, stars and hearts for yesterday's Like An African Sunset blip - very much appreciated!

Ann :))

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