Beech Seeds

A quietish day.  KG went off to bowls and I pottered around tidying up.  While he was out I looked around for my blip and found these beech seeds.  They looked a bit sad on their own so I asked KG when  he got back to draw a stem and leaves (to make him feel involved|)  He drew them larger than I wanted as I told him it was tiny Tuesday.  Anyhow the upshot is tiny seed making the flower head and drawing the rest.  We got the Christmas Tree down from the loft - I don't like putting it up this early but things have got a bit manic so it was a case of fitting it in.  We went to the Italian with our friends that we went away with in October and had a lovely meal and catch up.  Back home the tree is assembled and we will need to decorate it tomorrow/Thursday.
Another beautiful but very cold day.

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