
I had a fabulous day in Bath today visiting Mrs C in her new house.
I drove down after dropping the Little Misses off - remembering to drop the car seats at home on the way for Mr K to pick them up later!
There's a toll bridge just down the road from Mrs C's which unfortunately I didn't know about until I got to it - and there were half a dozen cars stacked up behind me on the single track road!! It was only 70p but after scratting around in my bags and pockets, the drink holders, glove box, footwells and doors I could only cobble together 58p. The woman was getting very grumpy watching my fruitless searching and said - in the accent of Ygritte out of Game of Thrones - "There's two signs up the rurd" and got even grumpier as I handed over the grubby coppers and pennies!
I turned the engine off and said I was going to have to ask the person in the car behind me to give me 12p. By this time there was a fair bit of traffic building up in both directions!!
"Just Gur" she snarled.
So I went. In yer face miserable lady!!!!
Luckily Mrs C's house was only a minute away so the miserable bag was soon forgotten and I was drinking tea and laughing with lovely Mrs C!
Their new house is so gorgeous I'm jealous. There are canal boats going along at the bottom of their garden!!
After tea and Frazzles we went to pick up Mr C from pre-school and then headed into Bath. I haven't been for about ten years since I went to the Christmas market with my dad and it was lovely to be back.
We had a lovely wander around and then went to Sally Lunn's Eating House for a Sally Lunn Bun. Established in 1680 (in the oldest house in Bath built c.1482!!) it was like stepping back in time. I was giddy to think that people had been going there, sitting where we sat, eating buns for hundreds of years!!
My salt beef and mustard mayo bun was one of the tastiest things I have eaten for ages. Proper yummy!!!!
Mrs C had Welsh rarebit with mushrooms and Mr C had an enormous slice of chocolate cake! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!
After lunch we had a wander round - and planned a New Year visit to the Baths!
Then it was time to get Mr L and Mr R from school and head back to their house. 
More tea, Cheerios, tea cakes, half naked children, crazy posters, membership cards and rules for admission into bedrooms. Hilarious!
Eventually I managed to drag myself away and having borrowed £1 from Mrs C to get back over the toll (whoop whoop, I am 42p up for the day!!!!) managed the journey home without any drama.
What a lovely day. I'm still sad that Mrs C left but at least she lives somewhere fabulous!!!!

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