Photos in A Major

By A

Planes, trains and automobiles

My last trip of the year to Hamburg, time to say goodbye to two of my team. Both of to pastures new, with good jobs to go to. One has an excellent role and I and very pleased for her.

But not straight home tonight, instead a train from Hamburg to Frankfurt. 1st class, three hours, booked last Friday and €80. From city centre to city centre, no changes and wifi all the way. Is it just me, or is HS2 thirty years behind the curve and still won't do the job.

Taxes may be higher, but then welfare is higher and wages are higher. No one has more in their pocket, just public services work. And finally no one give you a hard time for being a Europhile!

I'll go back to my Weiss Beer with mayonnaise fries. It's been a long day and I need some comfort food.

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