
By FarmerGirl

Money on wheels

Being on the default Highway 1 now does bring its advantages.  Today we were privileged to have millions of dollars of McLaren supercars pass through Murchison.  They were on a tour, heading down to Wanaka.  It is estimated that the total cost of these the vehicles included in this tour is $44 million - the McLaren in my blip is valued at $10 million USD alone!  That's a lot of money to have tied up in a vehicle!  My first photo in extras shows some of the vehicles that stopped - there were many more parked up in the carpark, and at the fuel station. 

Tonight we had a vehicle come up our drive.  The young chap driving asked if Farmerboy could help him.  With all the truck traffic passing through our wee town, trucks are stretched to find somewhere to park.  This man had parked his truck down the road, and was unaware that after all the rain we have had, the ground was soft.  When he parked on the grass, his truck sunk and he couldn't get going.  Farmerboy to the rescue and towed him out with his tractor.  And I wasn't the only one taking a photo or two, it was amazing to see people coming to have a look and take a photo!

It was nice to see the sun today after days of rain.  Certainly lifts the spirits to be able to get a bit of vitamin D!

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