The King

Today I drove Chris up to Newport for a routine Drs appointment. On such occasions I take the camera and park on the bridge which is a the start of the river Nevern estuary. The light was quite intense and with the tide  going out there were plenty of birds feeding on the muds. Lots of mallard and other smaller ducks, cormorants, curlew and swans at the mouth of the river. While trying to get a decent shot of the curlew a splash to my left and the glimpse of a bright blue bird travelling at speed meant it could only be a kingfisher. In the hope he was using a perch near by I moved slowly along the road, well I always move slowly, and spotted him in the bushes alongside the river. I grabbed half a dozen shots and he was gone but I was overjoyed as I have never captured a Kingfisher before. Right place ,right time.

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