Tasks to do

I planned well ahead with thoughts of Christmas cards and the like. While I've begun to get my blind Aunt's away, I've yet, despite planning to set aside time, to start mine. Even the day off on Monday for St Andrew's Day flew passed in the garden.

Still, I've got some stamps which this year seem bright and colourful.

A 12 hour day in the office today with various Board meetings. Lots of discussion about prioritisation and how we concentrate on core business as resources ( both staff and financial) become increasingly constrained. So much that we'd like to do, but not always possible.

So what do we class as "must do"; should do; and nice to do.

At least we are delivering on the core business. Just appointed 512 new citizens to start the 7 day (spread over 12+ weeks) training in the New Year to become a panel member.

Always hugely impressed at the willingness of members of the community to devote so much of their time to help our most vulnerable children.

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