
By bigred1977

No more beer for me........till Friday!

Home now from fantastic Wellington and I never thought i'd say it but I am all beered out! Sparkling water and lemon from a beer glass.....that can't be me!

It was a trek home though......up at 4am after a latish night does not make Kev and Andrea happy bunnies......

Off to the airport only to find our plane is delayed by 2 hours due to the plane being damaged last night by a bird strike.....thanks birds!

Got home finally and we are completely jiggered, Andrea has a sleep and I back blip!! Dedication !!

Anyways it was a fantastic trip with great people, beer, food & beer!

Here are a few others from the Wellington Extravaganza , feel free to browse but beware there are alot of pictures of beer!

We will return to NZ soon!

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