Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Mum and Pops

"I want to sit behind you"
"but why?"
"to hide my fat!"

YAY. This is my mum and dad, aren't they dashing? I wouldn't normally dedicate a blip to them but today its relevant, y'see my mum and dad have been on a Slimming World diet for a week, and you're suppose to weigh yourself every week and its meant to be motivational. Now, my dad is a food man and he will not eat healthily but ever since the doctor told him his blood pressure is redic, and he needs to loose weight asap he's been more motivated.

My mum lost 8 pound and my dad lost 7. In a week!
... I lost 4 pounds but who cares :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Anyways, having a bit of a lazy day today just lingering about the place. Like a bad smell. Oh and here's another fun fact,

- I hate toasties. With a passion.

Happy Blipping.

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