Fluffy abstract - AT75
First day of winter on the Northern hemisphere/first day of summer down in the Southern hemisphere, also first day of a new photo project of Else Kramer, a photo advent project combined with a 'pay it forward' scheme. It's in Dutch, find the project over here!
The first assignment was photographing something fluffy today, I've turned it into my abstract Blip today :-) As paying it forward project I'm going to fill a basket with a useful, warm and/or edible goodie every day and bring it to the nearest foodbank on the 24th.
Please remember that today's Abstract Thursday is theme-free, a 'do as you like, as long as it's abstract and you're having fun being creative' day. Please tag it AT75, so I can find it and it will end up in this collection !
Thanks so very much for your visits, comments, stars and faves for yesterday's winter wonder web !
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