Frosty abstracted gate shadow
Our visitors left this morning and headed back home to Somerset. Sunshine all the way I expect. Sheets washed (they must have brought their own towels are ours haven't been touched, and I know they washed), dried and in the airing cupboard.
We played Sequence one night, Phase 10 the next and Crib last night, and John's cousin and I won two out of three nights. Feeling smug.
A male sparrowhawk swooped in for breakfast this morning and had a lucky strike. I still haven't found the tiny caterpillar which was in my playroom but I have found another bigger one which was lurking in the conservatory and definitely looking chilled. It is now in a pot with a geranium leaf and covered over with holey clingfilm, so it can't escape. (Before you ask, you can't buy holey clingfilm, you have to puncture it yourself).
I quite liked the sunny frosty shadows created by one of the gates, so that's it for Abstract Thursday.
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