Guitar Picks

There is so much to learning guitar that I had no idea about when I started lessons. It didn't help that my first teacher wouldn't let me play with a pick, and I was ignorant enough to not realise that a pick might actually help me.

So I changed teachers at the beginning of the year and between then and now I have been coming to terms with using a pick to ply my guitar. Now you would think that was easy wouldn't you. Well, it seems that there are just about as many styles of picks, each with a different sound, as there are guitars.

I started out with the black one because when I was playing my right hand forgot to hold on tight and the pick would change position, making it impossible to play. Then I went to the red one: small because I was having trouble finding the strings with my right hand while my left hand was having trouble finding chords. That worked for a while. Recently I tried a regular pick and to my surprise it seemed to click with where I am with my skill level.

The other picks? I will call them "tried and failed's"

Now if only I could actually play with some level of skill...

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