My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Room with a view

I went to work today for a "Keeping In Touch" morning. To be honest I was absolutely dreading it. So much has changed since I went on maternity leave last Christmas and many of my colleagues are very unhappy indeed. It also goes without saying that I was not looking forward to leaving Baby L from 7:00am until 12:45pm.

Firstly, Baby L was a star! We'd worried as she has been refusing to nap or eat for anyone but me, but she did both brilliantly for my mum. Mum sent me regular photos and updates through the morning which helped me an awful lot.

As much as I tried not to show it to her, Baby L must have picked up on my anxiety and stress as she woke 6 times in the night. Not the best start to the day.

Work was alright. It was useful to go in. Definitely helpful to introduce myself to new staff and to take a look at the curriculum and syllabus that I will be teaching from January. I am going in again next week and will have a big meeting with my boss then too (not looking forward to that much).

Oh I was pleased to see my darling baby's smiling face when I got home.

(Photo is the view this morning from my teeny shared office at the top of the school building, looking over the field.)

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