It's all a load of bullocks....

And bullocks to it all.
A cattle day again. First job to unload a 28 ton load of cattle feed that arrived in at 6.45. In the olden days we used to have to hand baul the bags into a shed, but now they are all on pallets and emptied with a tractor.
Once everything was fed , went next door to clip a heifer for next week's xmas sale, then back here to do the same with 2 bullocks. Don't think they will be good enough for any tickets but you live in hope!
Then brought in some wee calves to tag and castrate.
Stevie arrived in at 6pm to PD scan 18 cows. All in calf except 1 which I have seen bulling at least 5 times since the bull went out, so she has had her chance and it will be steak pie's for her.
This is one of the bullocks doing a run past the camera !

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