Painting Windows...
Me and a couple of friends were asked to paint the windows in a local shop with Christmassy things! It was a lot of fun, and a very good experience, working with an actual company - although we were given pretty much complete free range!
A lot has been on my mind of late- particularly the whole trying to decide what course to do in college (if I even go) and just generally what to do when I leave school (I leave in like 5 months which is crazy)
After my last post, I was well again for about two weeks and then fell ill again with tonsillitis again and it was muuuuch worse than the first time round! Couldn't eat properly for a week :( but, Three courses of antibiotics later and I was okay again
It was also my birthday a couple weeks ago! I had a really nice day, and went out for dinner with my parents and brother. I'm officially 17
Can't believe it's December already. The last few weeks have been.. Well, literally freezing. It was -5°C at some point. And there was ice everywhere that stayed around for three or four days!
Hope everyone is well!
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