And So It Starts...

...December 1st, the official start of the Christmas season. Our outside lights are up, as is the tree. A Santa Claus (or two) are in place, including this one in my man space den. But, the real story of the day lies 3 feet to the left of Santa...out of the picture.

I am not a handy guy. I am not Mr. Fixit. I am not even Mr. Fixit's go-fer guy. I think I missed the line when they passed out the fix-it skills.

But, I wanted to switch out the electrical receptacles in my den. Plug problem. Plug 2...the same. But then...plug 3. Problem. I had it all hooked up, but it kept tripping the circuit breaker. I called my friend Bobby, and he suggested changing the circuit breaker. BUT I DON'T KNOW HOW! He suggested that I watch a You-tube video, and I thought I could do it.

Then, on volleyball night, Shelley (Naturelover on Blip) heard me talking about working on it, and shuddered. (She knows my skill set.) She volunteered her husband Al, who came over this morning.

Come to find out, it wasn't the circuit breaker at all. There was a nick in a wire of box number 3, and it was shorting out the breaker. After an hour, problem now working, TV back on, and power to all 3 plugs. Thanks Al. (I never could have solved the electrical puzzle.)

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