Nativity #1

We headed to town first as I had a 20% off voucher from Fenwicks so I thought I'd get the grandsons their Lego presents and Ella her knee and elbow pads for her skateboard.. The toy dept was heaving and I found that the discount only applied to clothes and beauty. And they had no elbow and knee pads.

Mr C was hunting around Lidl and Aldi and found a wooden car set bargain price. Well done!

Then we went to Whitley Bay for Thomas's nativity play. His parents went to the dress rehearsal (!) yesterday as they were sneaking off to Amsterdam, leaving the other grandparents in charge. The four of us went, and sat at the back, hence the rather dark and shaky blip. Thomas had a staring role, Joseph, and took it in his stride. He had a few lines, none of which were "push, Mary, push".

James, who wasn't allowed in to watch, saw us go in and kept hammering on the glass door and shouting at us. After the performance we took both boys out for tea at the other grandparents suggestion, I think they regretted that quite quickly, not realising how manic James can be. After catching him I corralled him and he ate his scampi.

The other grandparents had a little lie down in a darkened room and we watched "Cars" for a while then put the boys to bed. James objected as usual to getting his nappy done so I had to show him some pix on the iPhone at the same time as getting him undressed. Thomas was perfectly behaved and even told me a bedtime story. When they were both asleep we drove home. I hope the Irish grandparents get an early night!

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