City in the Clouds

There are days when one photo is just not enough! Wanted to post a few of "our" land - we drove the couple of hours to Mourão to see owner and some documents - all we can do now is wait for the wheels of bureaucracy to turn (they turn slowly here and lots of holidays coming up) so will probably be 2017 before we even know whether we could build on the property, and will only buy if we can, of course.

Seeing as we were there, decided to walk the boundaries of the plot - we both loved it even more - but need to hold it loosely in case we don't get it - and if we do get it, there will be plenty of blips of it.

So here you have Monsaraz, the city across the lake, lighting up the clouds in the dark and cold night. We went there for a very late lunch - they've filled it with life-size figures from the time of Jesus, including three mounted camels coming along the main street. The manger is in the castle, and there was a real dog nestled in the hay at the baby's head!

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