Knowsley Safari Park

Friday 2nd Dec 2016 (1560)

A varied day. This morning was a day off so I took Mum to Knowsley Safari Park. Neither of us are up to walking far so it was a good thing to do. We enjoyed the safari drive, taking our time. I know I've posted the lions again but how could I resist this one?

I was back on duty this afternoon at a service and then took Mum down to our school Christmas Fair. We were both rather lucky in winning bottles!  

This evening we went to Manchester to see Billy Elliot at the Palace Theatre. We were in the Grand Tier (cheapest seats at the top)  and there was so little leg room I was in agony. The show was so good though that it didn't matter. What a fabulous performance and the lad who played Billy Elliot was just amazing. It didn't matter how many people were on stage, my eyes were fixed on him. It was so powerful and even moved me to tears. Well worth the journey. 

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