
By DancingAly


Another day of rushing around. 

I received a call from the agent at 9am. He told me that because I haven't sold my house, the developer wouldn't really consider the offer, and to come back when I had. He said they had viewings Friday and Saturday, which could well be true, or could be a tactic. Who knows? I felt all panicked, which wasn't great first thing when you're about to start the working day. I had a good chat with my sister and her husband last night, and the more we talked about it, the more I realised I wanted it, and wasn't prepared to go down without a fight. They gave me a friend of a friend who's an estate agent, and by all accounts a very nice guy. I called him and he's coming on Friday to take the photos etc and get it on the market. So I suppose that's all I can do for now. 

I was glad to get home this evening and relax. The days are getting quite frenetic, with assessments due in the next couple of weeks, and the dreaded Christmas play. We've spent every afternoon in the hall this week, and it's been quite an ordeal for all. 

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