
By DancingAly


It's bitterly cold, but also one of the most gorgeous days. It's a real shame it's not the Christmas holidays, as I'd love to be out in it. Little B has been at home every day, so is getting a bit desperate! 

I missed a call from the agent regarding my offer, but he left me a voicemail which I didn't pick up until lunchtime. When I got home, Shelle was there, and it was nice to chat. She had the day off, so decided to take Little B, which gave him a bit of a distraction. We bundled him up in his jumper, and off they went! Some pupdates late told me he'd been for a walk, and been quite keen on the two workmen that they had over all day! 

After I barely threw my lunch down, I raced back to school. Another long afternoon rehearsing. I went to A's after school, but the traffic was hideous due to a crash on the A3, so I crawled there and was a little bit late. I got back at 6pm but it was too late to call the agent so I shall have to wait until tomorrow to find out what they said. 

Little B was really happy to see me, and I had a good chat about it all with them.

Home, no gym, bath and dinner. So tired, it feels like groundhog's day every day here....

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