Simply Me

By Suze981

Just the place I want to find...

...when out running on a blazing hot day!

Before blip I didn't even know this place existed. A fellow blipper (sorry I forgot who) posted a picture of the Innocent Railway a while back. I didn't even know it existed, let alone where it was!

I went for a run tonight in the sun. I've said it before and I'll probably say it again, but I don't like running in the sun. Needs must though and I have to keep up my training. I decided to run up the Queen's Drive and into the shaded tree/trail area behind the Commonwealth Pool and stumbled across this. I had quite inadvertently found the Innocent Railway.

This was the first public railway tunnel in Scotland, possibly even Britain. It was built in the 1830s to house the line between Dalkeith and Edinburgh.

The tunnel's name either refers to the fact that none of the workers were killed during construction of the tunnel, which was unusual for the time. Or it refers to the fact that this railway line used horse-drawn carriages in a time when steam engine trains were thought to be unsafe and unpopular. (excerpt taken from here)

I was just happy to run through the cool dark tunnel, the perfect respite from the heat! I'm so taken with it that it may even become a favourite running route. So long as it's during the day with plenty of commuters on bikes around. You wouldn't particularly want to be there alone or at night!!

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