All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Oh what a night!

Ethan appeared in our room around 1am saying he had a sore tummy. He lay down beside me for a few minutes before sitting up and being violently sick ... over the bed, carpet, ensuite floor, toilet! He was sick on and off several times during the night, needing 2 middle of the night showers and change of PJs. He ended up sleeping beside Hubbie while I decanted to the spare room, but none of us really got much more sleep.

If ever there was a morning for having a lie in it was today. However as I'd already volunteered to help at parkrun today, I had to get up and go along. I did enjoy it though and the cold air woke me up!

Back home and Ethan was still off colour, barely eating all day. He did perk up for a few hours this afternoon though and asked if we could put the Christmas tree up.

Here's hoping he's better tomorrow cos we have a busy day planned!

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