
By DancingAly


Another cold day. I'm so glad it's Saturday. 

I had a date tonight with a guy I met last weekend. I am trying to be positive, and look forward, so that's why I went along with it. But when I got there I knew he just wasn't for me. I always try to look at the friendship side too, so I was quite chatty and it was ok. He took me for pizza at Franco Manca on Broadgate Circle. I'd never been there before, and took a few snaps of the pretty lights. I think the low point came midway through the pizza when he started asking about previous relationships etc. He told me about his ex, and started getting a bit agitated about it all. When he asked about me, it sent me into shutdown. I didn't have the energy to explain, nor did I want to tell him anything about where I'm at. We went for a drink afterwards but I think it was just killing time. I know it was for me. 

In a way it was quite similar to T. We met in a bar, he took me out the week after, almost at the exact same time. It was freezing as well. But that was where the similarities ended, as we had such a lovely evening, and didn't want it to end. Not so tonight. Much as in a way I really do want to move on, and have really felt that it's time to take back the reins of my life so to speak, when I have a night like this I just think I won't be able to move on, ever. I know, I know, it sounds a bit dramatic, but it's how I feel. Who knows what will happen in the future? I'm sure when I hash this out with A next week, she will tell me that it's more about me than the person I went out with tonight. And that I'm the one that's stopping me from meeting someone new. She tells me that I didn't really like T that much when we started dating, but I know that's not true! I was just a bit hesitant, and keen to avoid the heartache! 

Hey ho. I got home around 12:30am, and it was just bitterly cold. It probably didn't help that I went out only in a leather jacket.....And they've decided to turn all the streetlights off from midnight to 5am near us. It was very dark and quite eerie. Not so bad if you're driving, but I wouldn't like to walk about. Apparently it will save £210,000 a year......

And I think my beautiful plant, Daphne Odora, has been had by the bloody frost.... :-( Thank you for all your tips though! 

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