St John the Evangelist Coolhurst

This little church was consecrated in 1839, and is situated on the edge of St Leonard's forest along Doomsday/Hammerpond road. It was paid for by Charles Scrace-Dickins descendents of which are not only buried in the little forest churchyard, but still worship there today.
It is rumored to be haunted, hosting many stories scary enough to prevent you visiting, especially at night! and I have to confess I too found it quite scary until one afternoon earlier this year when I noticed it was open, and met the charming vicar.
Inside it is a delight, light airy and welcoming with a beautiful Kempe window (among others), and totally not what I was expecting at all.
Sadly it was locked today, but I thought this shot with the long winter shadows still did it justice.
PS the graveyard is amazing for wildlife!

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