The Lamorna Wink

Drove down to Tree today. I have visitors in the cottage over Christmas and so have to "decorate". Also inconveniently a kitchen wall unit has fallen off the wall and is resting on top of the microwave. Clearly this is not ideal. So arrive this evening having picked u a text from my lifelong chums Gill and Kevin: "we are going to the Lamorna Wink for dinner. Join us". An irresistible offer.  The Wink is a super pub in..... Lamorna Cove. It has been refurbished and now is a lively venue with super food. Apparently the "wink" element harks back to days of yore when it wasn't allowed to sell sprits. The barman used to keep said spirits under the counter and might be persuaded to part with same if one "winked". I may have got this wrong. Whatever, it was a lovely evening - good food, good wine and great company.

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