Louis has had his op. He has plates in his leg and his knee has been reconstructed,today he was having an op on his thumb.He had a really bad night last night but his Dad tells us a little better today.We have learnt more of what happened Friday ,poor Louis waited for an ambulance for two and a half hours and it was only when he was loosing consciousness the ambulance finally arrived.His Dad attended to him all the time they were waiting he is a retained fireman and a first responder luckily. friends who were at the scene said Louis was very brave and his Dad amazing the way he dealt with everything.Neighbours were also very kind bringing out duvets and pillows for Louis and hot drinks l can't thank them all enough.l know he is in the right place and so pleased we are going to visit tomorrow .Also know his recovery will be a long haul but we will all be there for him.l am feeling a little angry towards the man who crashed into him ,Louis had right of way and this man drove straight into him. Thank you all for your prayers.kind thoughts and hugs .It means so much x
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