the cat in the hat

“Can you take a picture of my hat?”
“Can I use it as my blip?”
“ s’pose.  Don’t show my face though, I haven’t done my hair”.

I resist the temptation to point out that wearing a hat surely renders the state of hair irrelevant.

Anniemay is in full hat-production mode; she wants a photo to send to her sister and niece who have both expressed interest.

She needs a supply of furry bobbles and this is a perfect example of what a crazy world we live in.  It appears that it’s cheaper to buy hats with furry bobbles and take the bobbles off, than it is to buy just the bobbles on eBay.  I hope you got all that because I’m still trying to get my head round it.

The (new) bobble-less hats are not wasted - they’re going to the charity shop, where they’ll probably end up being sold for more than they cost new.

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