
By Shygirl73

Travel Agent

This is the lovely Ian who has arranged our holiday which had to be paid for today GULP ! Normally l book a flight and arrange accommodation myself and Posh friend goes along with it. This time I made a plan of action and Ian sorted it.Only because we are going fly drive (l am not doing any of the driving) Posh arrived last night and I made Xmas dinner the whole works.This morning she drove us to Newcastle and we paid for the holiday.Then we went to a Greek Restaurant for lunch. As we sat there Slade music was playing in the background. When I checked my watch it was the time of Tappys  funeral. From there we were walking around a large store when I bumped into an old school friend who lives in Athens. She was over for a Rod Stewart Concert hmmmm. I mentioned l had been on holiday once to Aegina and was corrected on my pronunciation hee hee.I was very impressed that Karol hasn't lost her Geordie accent after living over there for so long. Once more Noddy and Slade were belting our their Xmas song in that store.From there I left Sheila to look in Fenwicks window on her way to the car park.She would then drive home  to Richmond.I said it was easier for her if I caught the bus home rather than go out of her way.All this excitement in one day is too much ;) 

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