Bokeh Overload

Apologies, my blurry bokeh fascination continues...Christmas tree lights this time.
A super early morning, getting to the hospital before the sun was even up! I had a standard pregnancy diabetes test this morning (after an hour of waiting - how can the day begin with a delay?!). I had a funny turn whilst there, but the nurses were lovely & got me on a bed! I was glad Jud had come with me...nice to have a friendly face there. All fine now but just feeling a bit weird.
It's been torrential rain today, but ironically, we've no water in our building! Thankfully it was back on by the early evening.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Jud giving me a lift to the hospital at ridiculous o'clock, and staying the few hours with me.
2) Rain giving me the license to feel it was ok to stay in for the rest of the day & take it slow.
3) Danny being a wonderment and meeting up for coffee with a guy who has nothing & no-one. 

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