
We travelled all the way over to Rotherham today to attend a trampoline party for a couple of The Dopski's friends (they are twins). We picked up two of The Dopski's other friends on route, which resulted in her being incredibly loud and silly and being told off :(

We could hear the venue before we even got out of the car, the music was that loud! It was also absolutely heaving with people of all ages as far as you could see and trampolines, obviously. (The blip does not do it justice). The safety talk was just a list of different scenarios in which you could break your bones or end up in a wheel chair! Needless to say, knowing what a mad nutter The Dopski is, I was on tenterhooks all afternoon!

After an hour of bouncing, they all sat and ate lots of food (decent, healthy stuff which was a surprise) which was all scoffed due to the massive amounts of exercise completed. Personally, I was starving, with a massive headache and a strong desire to hide and rock in a darkened corner - it was a nightmare two hours!

We got absolutely lost coming back through Sheffield and my phone sat nav was convinced I was trying to walk, so kept taking us down dead ends that you could walk through - ggggrrrr. I was that done in, that I couldn't work out how to change it to driving and ended up deleting the app and downloading it again :/

After an emergency McDonald's stop (for mummy's sugar levels) we finally made it home after a 1 hour 45 mins trip :(

(Never again.....or maybe I'll make The Dadski take her next time ;))

Seriously though, if your kids are into bouncing it was an amazing place to go - just wait until they are old enough that you don't have to stay with them!!!

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