
By stuartjross

Glen Strathfarrar

We had another interesting hill side project today, this time on the north side of Glen Strathfarrar. Unfortunately there was very little opportunity (in time) to actually take a photo and I only had a chance to grab this one before the work started.

This is looking south and east over Struy Forest and Eskdale Moor. The bumps on the horizon are high points on the Monadliath on the other side of Loch Ness.

As far as I know Strathfarrar is a unique glen in that it has a timetable of opening times for vehicular access. There is no restriction for walkers or cyclists but a padlocked gate prevents car access for much of the typical week.

Note for non Scottish blippers; "Forest" as in Struy Forest I believe relates to deer forests rather than woodland. There are dozens of such forests marked on the Scottish map.

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