Pretty Leaves

Very colourful, pretty leaves.

I was woken a couple of times during the night by the pile-drivers working on the railway line. The noise doesn't half travel when it is still - and it will be going on for months in preparation for electrifying the line.

The Cygnet was delighted this morning to show us how he had broken the board with his hand at his martial arts class ...... and insisted on us examining the broken bits.

It has been foggy all day - freezing fog!
So of course, I had to shoot cobwebs. The ones in my hedge were like whirlpools on edge -- I have never seen that before.
The frosted leaves had some wonderful edges, but the mushrooms looked more like they had been salted like a margarita glass.
The oak trees were dropping their leaves very quickly. I liked the circular mat round this young one and had great fun standing shaking a low branch and being covered in the falling leaves .................. simple things!

Squirrel was being a Minion this afternoon. No idea why - but her Minion self showed us how she was making snow angels in the frost at school this morning. Weird child!

I snapped a gate (badly) for Dotty as well.

There are more frost shots lying about with these ones if you care to rummage.

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