Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Scarborough Fair anyone?

Day 5 of the cold and I'm apparently looking better. I feel a bit better too.

I wanted to do some more work on photographs for Tim's Roots and Branches exhibition. I had a great plan for these plant labels, but had not been to the shops, so I had to have a go at a minimalist approach. I decided to emphasise geometric shapes in this image. using a lamp and processing techniques.

This afternoon, I took Mum to see one of our GPs to discuss some recent tests that may or may not indicate an infection. We haven't seen this particular GP for a long time, and not often before that, but she chose today to have a rather awkward discussion about how Mum wants her treatment to be managed in the future. She never got round to asking about rescuscitation, but if felt as though she wanted to ask "just how much do you want us to do, now that you have reached 95?". These conversations are always difficult, but in my opinion you don't launch into this until you have established a good rapport, preferably over a number of meetings.

Mum has new treatment for the possible infection, but understandably does not want to see this particular GP again. Thankfully we have a choice.

It is very, very cold here tonight.

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